One of the best known ways to grow roses in your garden is to use cuttings. Most gardeners use exactly this well-known method. It is not particularly difficult, although there are some nuances.
How to propagate roses from cuttings
In order to propagate roses from a cutting, you should make a few actions:
- The first action. Wait for the best moment to make cuttings. Usually, for this purpose, we take the period from the moment when the buds are formed until the end of their flowering.
- The second action. As it is banal sounds, but you need to take the pruning shears and head to the most attractive rose bush. In this case, it is necessary to examine it attentively and to exclude any diseases or defects.
- The third action. You need to choose the best bine in the bush. As a rule, to do this just select the middle part of the twigs, on which grow no less than five leaves.
- The fourth action. After that, cut the lower part of the flower and the top of his head.
- The fifth action. It is necessary to cut the two lower leaves, as this part of the stalk will be planted into the ground.
- The sixth action. All other leaves must be cut into. It must be done in order to preserve as much as possible moisture in the plant.
- The seventh action. After all the previous actions carried out, it is necessary to plant a sapling in a pot, with a pre-prepared material especially for the planting of roses (a well-moistened garden soil).
- The eighth action. After the cutting is planted, it is necessary to cover it with cropped plastic bottle or any glass container. This is done in order to have better germination, and less moisture evaporates.
- The ninth action. Care should be taken that the soil does not dry and constantly (every day) to spray the bine.
Two weeks later (this usually happens), begin to appear the first roots, which after another two weeks will be strengthened in the ground very well. After a month passed, the bine should be placed in a dark place where it will stand until the spring. Of course, care must be taken that the soil does not dry out. But every day watering isn't necessary.
For more information about the care of roses or orchids, you can go here On this site, you will also learn how to properly care for other plants.
It's a mistake to assume that if the top green part of the orchid is normal, it's all right with the roots. The pathogen process there takes place not at lightning speed, and if you identify the sick roots on time, it will not be too late to save the orchid.
How to save an orchid
The roots of the orchid can be rotten or wizen because of the following reasons:
- excessive moisture, poor lighting, the too dry soil in the heat — it is a violation of agronomic conditions of orchid cultivation;
- fungal or bacterial infection of the plants;
- the advanced age of the plant.
What if you discovered that your orchid roots are dead?
Correct the mistakes in the care of a plant. The orchid can be reanimated only in the most favorable conditions. The new root system can only come from the new sprouts, in turn, new bines are obtained only from the green living buds.
Remember all these rules when propagating roses from cuttings or taking care of orchid and these plants will delight you with beautiful blooms.